“LCATT is possibly the best training school one can ever have attended in order to become an Alexander Technique teacher. Vibrant, international, open-minded, nourishing, it gave me the best introduction to a life-long work and exploration of the infinite universe called myself. Get trained there!”
Xiaosong Que
“Thanks to the Alexander Technique I feel I’ve taken my first steps into a far more colourful world, one that I can’t help but want to explore… and LCATT has been my nursery! I like the open-mindedness and diverse approaches of the teachers.I feel very encouraged to ask questions and find my own way to express the Technique.”
Paul Dadswell
Hands on the table.
Including our students from abroad who have not yet been aable to return.
“I love the atmosphere in the teaching room at LCATT; it is all at the same time welcoming and friendly, calming and peaceful, stimulating and lively.This may partly be because we have a varied daily programme of quiet ‘hands on’, experimental games and procedures, talks and discussions – and of course a tea break. When we wish to have time out, we can lie down amongst the cushions or sit and read or watch.
Our teachers share their different approaches with us and encourage us to find our own styles, following our own experiences and interests. Every day I go home with something new that I have discovered – perhaps a revelation about myself, an image to work with or an insight into human relationships and habits.
This is one of the greatest journeys of my life – I would not miss it for the world.”
Ruth Tod
“La primera vez que fui a visitar la escuela, no tuve duda alguna de que era el lugar donde me gustaria hacer mi training. Un ambiente agradable y acogedor, con gente diversa, creativa y muy abierta; profesores y estudiantes, que me dieron la gran oportunidad de descubrir algo tan sorprendente como la educacion a traves de una filosofia. Ha sido un recorrido lleno de experiencias, las cuales me han llevado a conocer nuevas y diferentes maneras de pensar.
Muchas gracias a LCATT!!!”
“Since the first time I visited the school, I had no doubts that I would like to do my training there. It has a lovely atmosphere and wide range of creative and open-mind people, teachers and students, who gave me the chance to discover some amazing things like a philosophy of education. It has been a time full of experiences, which has led me to have new and different ways of thinking.
Many thanks to LCATT!!!”
Paola Lerma
“I look back with great fondness on my time at LCATT. From my first to my last day I felt very privileged to be taught by the Head and Assistant Teachers, who all contributed greatly to my understanding of Alexander’s work. I was sad to leave and still today enjoy visiting the school regularly and attending workshares for alumni.”
Angelique Swallow
“I chose the school simply because it was within walking distance from home. Now with hindsight, if I were to choose again, I would make the same choice even if I lived miles away.
What I liked most about the school is its diversity of teachers and students from all walks of life and different parts of the world. This was particularly nice for someone like me who is not from here – who’s been globe trotting a bit. Apart from the friendly environment of the school, the teaching programme is very progressive and open-minded. Things I dreaded the most during the training, such as group talk-throughs and a presentation to a chosen public, have proved to be the most beneficial elements of the training. Thanks to that I find myself doing them over and over again, with confidence, in my current group teaching and introductory workshops
I also liked the broad range of visiting teachers from all over the world and the school exchange programmes. I do recommend LCATT!”
Xiaosong Que
“The school has a friendly relaxed atmosphere and, with a high-ceilinged double room and terrace, is especially inviting in summer. But at all times there are long inspiring views – so unusual in the heart of London – which were conducive to releasing and expanding. There is a wide variety of teaching styles among the trainers who encouraged us to find our own way of teaching and not simply mirror them. The emphasis of the anatomy tuition was in helping us map our own bodies and on the development of our powers of observation of others’. I really enjoyed my time at LCATT – there was a lot of space to explore myself and my use – and the terms flew by only too fast.”
Catharine Gunningham
“Quand je suis arrivée à Londres en mai 2004 pour devenir professeur de Technique Alexander, j’ai visité chaque école londonienne. Pourquoi ai-je choisi celle située à Highbury ? Celle qui se trouvait à une heure de trajet de Wimbledon où je vivais dans une famille comme fille au pair, et où ensuite j’ai continué à travailler comme professeur de français ?…Parce que quand j’ai visité mon école j’ai ressenti quelque chose de spécial. J’ai su que je voulais étudier là. Je me suis sentie chez moi. J’ai adoré les professeurs.
Je suis très heureuse aujourd’hui d’avoir fait mes études à LCATT, et je suis très reconnaissante pour mon trimestre de perfectionnement. J’ai eu la chance de pouvoir participer à la classe chaque semaine, d’être l’assistante de Judith et Peter au Royal College of Music deux fois par semaine, et d’être également l’assistante de Penny à l’école d’acteurs Arts Educated. J’ai aussi beaucoup apprecié la “clinique” : un soir par semaine, les étudiants de 3ème année et les nouveaux professeurs pouvaient s’exercer sur de vrais élèves avec la supervision. C’était un outil de formation incroyable pour nous étudiants ! Aujourd’hui je suis de retour en France et prête à enseigner dans le monde réel !!!”
“When I came to London in May 2004 in order to become a teacher of Alexander Technique, I visited every school in London. Why did I choose the one in Highbury, the one that was one hour away from Wimbledon, where I lived as an au pair and then kept working as a French teacher ?… Because when I visited my school I felt something special. I knew I wanted to study there. I felt at home, I loved the teachers instantly. I loved the fact that Refia – the head of the training – had such a wide approach of the Technique, and at the same time very simple and loyal to the principles of Alexander.
I am very glad today to have completed my training at LCATT, and very thankful for my post graduate term. I had the chance to go back to the school once a week, to assist Judith and Peter at the Royal College of Music twice a week, and to assist Penny O’Connor at the Arts Educated school (acting school). I also much appreciated the “clinic”: one evening per week the 3rd year students and the newly qualified teachers could work on real pupils under supervision. That was an amazing tool for us students! Now I’m back in France and ready to teach in the real world!!”
Juliette Davril