Judith Kleinman and Refia Sacks offer special coaching in presentation skills catering for individuals and groups in business, or any other walk of life, that are looking for more effectiveness and confidence in their presentations and more ease and comfort in their working life. Judith and Refia have worked extensively in Britain and abroad bringing the Alexander Technique to people in a unique way. They draw on this experience to create an exciting and powerful approach to presentation skills based on the Alexander Technique.
The technique developed by F M Alexander is world renowned and grew out of solving his problems with public speaking. His principles help us to let go of unnecessary patterns of tension and habit. Thinking about how we move, speak and perform enables us to have a choice to do things more easily and effectively. The work includes learning to relax constructively and move freely in everyday activities and draws out our inner strength. Taken into public speaking it develops more ease, confidence and a powerful use of the voice.
Courses are run with a balance between practical experience and theory within a creative and comfortable environment. They are packed with information, skill learning and interactive work that put principles into activity and are tailored to the needs of the group at any time.
During every course we aim to look at each person’s goals and address them in the group situation where everyone can learn from their own and other’s experience. The courses are run with an emphasis on each individual’s development in a situation that is safe and yet challenging. They are also enjoyable and fun.
Much of the work is helping people to enhance their effectiveness, increase their confidence, overcome “nervous” responses, eg stage fright, and to expand their skills in every type of presentation. To these ends we have developed a number of resources for people to take away and use for themselves. We work also on developing good use of the body and body language as well as breathing and the use of the voice in presentations. Research has shown that body language and voice quality have a far greater impact on an audience than what is said, so it is vital to address these as a basis for any presentation.
Much of this is based on the Alexander Technique and we aim to introduce the great potential of Alexander’s approach. We do some work on preparation, not only of the material but of one’s state of mind and body. We also consider the presenter’s relationship with the audience.
There will always be a chance during the course to practice performing in different ways and if possible there is a masterclass with each person giving a small presentation so that we can address their individual needs. Courses can take place either in-house or at the London Centre for Alexander Technique and Training.
Refia and Judith are also available for individual coaching for presentation preparation, interview preparation and any other communication issues.