Professional Development


Alumni Workshares

Once a term alumni and training course teachers get together at LCATT to share work.  This offers the opportunity for graduates to work with the LCATT community of teachers and to present ideas and work to the group.
Dates to come soon.

Workshares for All Teachers 

All teachers are welcome to the workshares at LCATT. You can just drop in or contact Roger – for more details.
Dates to come soon.





Workshops and Talks 

LCATT organises regular activities including talks from other disciplines that may relate to the Alexander Technique, forums with presentations about inspiring work being done within the Alexander Technique and workshops for visiting teachers from abroad. (See below for further information). We also offer workshops run by our LCATT team of teachers on different topics, often related to the theme we are working on in the training course, so that they can, for interest, be combined with a visit to the school.

Workshops for Teachers

A fresh look at Dart incorporating the ideas of the Polyvagal theory with Judith Kleinman at LCATT
New dates for this will be available soon.

Judith teaches Alexander and Yoga at The Royal College of Music and is co head of Training at LCATT. She co wrote The Alexander Technique for Musicians with Peter Buckoke and is co-director of the Developing Self project alongside Sue Merry. Judith’s latest book Finding Quiet Strength suggests that Alexander can be be a central part of a practice for finding freedom in movement and stillness, helping us have a practice of resilience and quiet strength. In the workshop we will look at how Thought, Touch, Movement and Breath can help us find a calm, confident and co ordinated sense of Time, Space and Ease.

£ 20 for teachers £10 for students, limited numbers to book please contact

Past teacher’s workshops have included one with Missy Vineyard, author of a ‘How You Stand, How You Move, How You Live’; Lucia Walker, dance teacher and specialist in improvisation and many others.

Missy Vineyard Workshop April 2014 075
Teachers workshop with Missy Vineyard

LCATT hosts a series of interesting talks linking with other disciplines. See the list below of the ones we have already enjoyed. They have been really successful so far, so do come and join us for the next one. 

The 22nd Interesting Talk in the spring/summer term will be by Flurina Thali on Embryology.
Dates and more information will be announced soon.

£10 for teachers and £7 for students.  To book please contact;,

Attendees please follow LCATT’s Health and Safety protocol at the bottom of this link.

We have had wonderful talks by
Leon Baugh on the ‘Anatomy in Motion’ system.
Colin Farquharson on ‘How the Mind changes the Body and working with dyslexia’.
Liz Kalinowska and Daska Hatton on the relationship between cranio-sacral therapy and Alexander Technique.
Emma Alter, an introduction to Feldenkrais with information on his life and a taste of his work.
Maggie Sawkins, mediator, on ‘Listening and Responding’  – an amazing, valuable experience for AT teachers!
Elizabeth Wallfisch on ‘The Practice of Safe Practice’ – for musicians on how to play without risk to body or mind.
Sylvia Gray on ‘Bones for Life’
Lotte Bredt on ‘Moving and being moved – a psychoanalytic perspective’
Josephine Horder and Anita Morrison on ‘Awareness through Movement for Children’
Josie Geddes on “What is CBT and IAPT, and how do they treat anxiety and depression?”
Carolyn Davies on ‘Non-Violent Communication’ (NVC).
Josie Geddes on ‘Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing’ (EMDR).
Sarah Stein Lubrano on ‘Pedagogy and Emotion.’
Lizzie May on the ‘Psychology of Sight.’
Ilana Machover on ‘An Introduction to Medau Rhythmic Movement.’
Jane Staggs on Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE).
Penny Spawforth on the role spoken communication plays in helping our students learn – ways that increase connection and learning.
Daniela Sangiorgio on Buteyko breathing method.
Flurina Thali on the Story of the Embryo and how it can nurture our practice
Ellen Casey on Researching the Alexander Technique in the Context of Music education and practice.
Polly Waterfield on Reflexology


See reviews of them in past STAT News.